Self Development Through Cultural Exploration, Service Learning & Environmental Study

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Costa Rica 2010 Photos

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Who are the Ticos

The culture of COsta Rica has been revolutionized from its earlier points in that nation's history. Form previous years ago, the culture of this country has evolved into one of the world's most known, unique groups of people. In Costa Rica, what is now known as the Ticos has an amazing story behind it. So who are the Tico's? In today's society, they are simply people who are from and live in Costa Rica. They act like normal teenagers. They like listening to music and dancing. They have a very unique culture. Most of the foods they eat cosnsist of fruits and vegetables. But what was it like in earlier points of Costa Rica's history? The Tico's had developed from groups of different cultures settling in Costa Rica. Some of these cultures included people from Spain, who were intermixed with people from Africa and the Caribbean. The Spanish colonialists settled in the Central Valley wirh other European immigrants. Germans and Italians were slowly moving in and settled with other groups. By the 19th century, larger numbers of immigrants were coming into Costa Rica. These immigrants were intermixing with each other; resulting in mixed-blooded cultures. The Ticos are locally born (crillo) Costa Ricans. According to the National Geographic Traveler Costa Rica, "In Costa Rica, the neglected settlers tilled their fellow Citizens by the ruling cliques, who shared hardships and destitution (in 1719, the governor of Costa Rica complained that he too, had to fill his own land). In this time they had became known as the Ticos". They had been cut off from most outside influence. They had began to develop their own culture and language. Unique vocabulary and slang were just a few examples just to name a few. They have revolutionized Costa Rican culture as a whole and now the majority of Costa Rican people are now considered Ticos.

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