Self Development Through Cultural Exploration, Service Learning & Environmental Study

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Costa Rica 2010 Photos

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Emily Stanley, 16

It hasn't really set in yet that I'm home, and that I have luxuries, and can do things I'd like, and have free time to myself. I wanted these things while we were away, but they haven't set in yet that I've got them back all the same. I'm more cautious and appreciative since coming back, and there were small changes in my mannerisms and lifestyle that I didn't expect. My diet has almost completely changed, and I don't know what exactly improvement is, but I would like to think that I've changed for "the better" since returning. But the one thing this trip really emphasized for me is: what really is better?

I stopped writing for a while, because I realized that coming back, right away anyway, I couldn't write this blog. I couldn't because I didn't know how it really and honestly affected me yet. My main priorities when returning were getting a nice shower, and seeing the people I love. That was just from being away for a while.

Now that we've been back for almost a month, I am finally starting to see exactly how this whole experience has changed me as a person.

I find myself stopping and appreciating things more, and I've realized that I have no desire to live an ostentatious lifestyle, or live off of anything but experiences and the necessities for survival. This trip, and then starting my internship, has definitely given me a lot of perspective.

I go to the Federal District Court everyday and see how they deal with people for anything from trademark disputes to bank robbery. I watch how the government goes about delivering sentences, and changing lives. I went to Costa Rica and watched people have different methods for survival, and have different ideas for what living really is.

Most people either blow up the changes they had on the trip to the most memorable experience of my life, or downsized it to something like, "It was alright, I found it pretty." Well it may not have been the most memorable experience of my life, but I can see the slow but subtle changes happening to me everyday with how I make decisions and look at the world around me.

Before we left for this trip, I was set on the idea that life is based off of hedonism. Pleasure seeking individuals walk the earth, and live for themselves. Even when they help others it's really because they either a.) get something out of it, or b.) take great pleasure in the satisfaction of helping others (but that pleasure is still theirs). But since returning, I am making more positive choices about what I do everyday of my life, and I am starting to slowly but surely change the way I look at the universe, to understand that sometimes going beyond human nature, people can really be selfless. This doesn't necessarily mean that I want to be selfless, but it does mean that I strive more towards making things in life more positive towards others along with myself, not just one or the other. I have changed the relationships I have with people, and changed the way I look at the world in general.

From a spiritual standpoint, I can't yet say how this trip has affected me, but I've realized that it definitely has made some sort of impact in how I imagine creation, and the continuance of life. I am working to be more of a deep thinker, without closing myself off to other ideas and concepts, while still being educated. Like going beyond the rules of society, while still understanding the concepts that run it. Also, like I stated above, about watching the comparisons between the country's rules, I think the thing that has impacted me, much more than I thought it would, is the reasoning behind each nation's laws; what makes one person feel that something is more correct than something else, and what makes one person's ideals better than another person's? So, by this I mean that now everyday of my life I stop and question; what is better anyway, and what makes someone think that they're worthy of deciding that?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hopefully, this end is just the beginning.

Cherie, 17

Well, I guess it’s my turn. I’ve edited this a million times. If I don’t post it now, I don't think it will ever stop changing or getting longer.

I woke up the first morning home with a bitter-sweet feeling. It felt nice to be in my own bed in my own room, but something just didn’t feel right. I missed waking up to the sun shining at 6 AM, with my girls in room 15 (which includes those in our two-night sleepover) around me. I missed eating with everyone, every single day, even though I rarely ate. I missed everything. I still miss everything. It was so hard to actually leave the airport because though I was going home to my loved ones, I felt like I was leaving another family behind. I really needed this return home I suppose, but it just felt a little weird to be back.

This trip was more than I imagined it would be. I heard of how amazing it could be from people who have gone through the journey before, but I never really thought the affect it would have would be this big. I had my doubts about the trip in the way beginning, relating specifically to my main struggle of being able to control my frustration with others and its effects on my mood. I thought, “I can’t spend twelve days with these people. I’m going to be miserable. The trip is going to be pointless if I’m just going to be angry the whole time.” Eventually I changed my mind set, and got excited for the trip. I wanted to make it something worthwhile; something I could remember forever and I decided that the people who annoyed me weren’t going to ruin that. That was probably the best decision I’ve ever made.

I don’t regret going on this trip one bit. The hard work, the annoyances, the struggles; it was all worth it. I learned that you shouldn’t let the little things that bother you and prevent you from participating in something, because you just might miss out on so many amazing experiences. I kept that in mind the whole trip, and I think that really helped make everything, for the most part, so fantastic.

I learned so many things from our visits with so many different groups of people throughout the trip. I can honestly say I never knew how cement was actually made, or even where chocolate came from. However, the most important thing I realized during our stay was that the residents of La Carpio and the indigenous people of Yorkin have it good, despite the fact that they materialistically have less. They have what some people spend their whole life searching for; they have happiness. They taught me that happiness doesn’t stem from having things that provide me with entertainment, like my camera, the internet, or time spent relaxing. Happiness is something that you really have to create for yourself and even further, for your people. It comes from being content with your life and not putting unnecessary worrying on things that other people have and you don’t. It comes from building strong relationships with the important people in your life. It can come from so many things; you just have to know the right way to find it. This was especially shown through the Bribri community in Yorkin. They, as a community, have found what makes them happy and are living their lives accordingly. They’re not concerned about how life in San Jose could be better; instead they care about the important things, like friendship, spending time together with family and improving their community. Before this trip I could honestly say that I didn’t have true happiness. I wasn’t really upset with my life, but I noticed a big difference between my happiness and theirs. It’s hard to explain, but I can now say that I pretty much have a perfect understanding of how to achieve true happiness; now, it’s just a matter of going after it.

Let me tell you something funny--other than a few things, I basically had this written last Friday, the day after we came back from the trip. Larry told me his was done, and I thought that I had better go do mine as well. Thing was, I couldn’t turn it in. I still don’t even really want to do it. I think this kind of shows that I’m still caught up in everything. I feel that once I post this and finish other things related to this trip that it’ll really be over. It’s kind of hard to explain. I guess I just had such a good time, that I’m not ready to give it up even though obviously it’s been over for more than a week. That needs to pass though, because you can’t learn from a past experience when you’re still trying to keep it as the present. I guess all there is left to do is put what I learned into action and keep moving forward.

P.S - Though this goes against what I just said about moving forward, I miss all of you and can't wait to see you on Monday! And I also can't wait until we have our 2015 reunion trip!

Friday, April 23, 2010

More Time for Family and Appreciation

LaShai, 17

Well I've been home for about a week.

When I first got home, I was excited. I had my room back, my phone for texting, my television with over 200 channels in HD, and my laptop with all the wireless internet I want, but I didn't want it.

I had gone so long without these things that they had become a luxury instead of my everyday necessities. Instead of going straight back to my old everyday necessities, I spent my first couple of days back home with my family and friends. I never really cared to spend time with my little brothers before I went to Costa Rica, but after coming back from this trip I realized that they are all I have, that they have always been there for me.

It's only in coming back from a place where everyone is so kind and caring for
each other that you really know what is important to you.

After having a couple days of down time, I went back to work. I thought it was going to be a normal "low key" day. As time went by my mind started to wander. I tried to remember everybody's name that I had met. I was surprised at how many people's names I remembered and what memories came with every person.

For instance, Pepe, he brought Larry, Cherie and Ashley pop and chocolate because we weren't allowed to have any American food. Then there was Evar, he played guitar and sang us songs every night that we were in the rain forest. Then I started to make a list of all the different foods that we ate in Costa Rica, but all I could really think of was 'gallo pinto and casado'. As I was thinking of all the different foods we ate, Larry, who also works with me, started to look for the foods we ate. It was really bizarre because not only did he find some of the foods that I listed, but they all said 'Products of Costa Rica' on their labels. I see several different types of foods at my job, but until now I've never cared about where they were coming from.

Since I've been home, everyone always has questions about how my trip went, and all I say is that I love it there and everything about it. The people there are so beautiful and genuine. They love being where they are and embrace who they are. Then they ask what was my favorite part about this trip, and I always tell them it's the people. Even if I don't ever see the people that I've met in Costa Rica ever again, I will never forget them. We were only with the high school students a small amount of time, but yet it feels like a life time. Then they finally ask what the worst part of the trip was, and I say having to leave. It seemed like every time we were just getting used to being around new people and starting to really like them for who they were, we had to leave them. It was almost like having to leave family behind, because that is how the people in San Jose and Yorkin made me feel--I was part of their family, and I truly miss and appreciate them.

A not so distant past .

Siena, 17

I sense that something in my life is missing. It's around 9:30 pm on a Friday night and no form of entertainment is suiting my craving. I don't want to watch TV. I don't want to read a book, surf the internet, talk on the phone, or have a grand old night on the town. What I desire most is to sit in that dimly lit room and have the young boy of the Bribri tribe sing Spanish lullabies on his guitar and lull my mind to sleep.

I believe I have reached the point of this journey when realization blows out my dream clouded mind and leaves me fully aware that we aren't in Costa Rica anymore. Although our homecoming was just over a week ago, it feels as if our expedition took place somewhere in the distant past; as if months have gone by since we were in that luxurious land. I miss waking up to those sun filled sky's and having fresh fruit juice every morning. I miss the beautiful plants and equally beautiful people.

The memory of this trip give me a nostalgic feeling, like recalling a childhood summer. I am unable to give one distinct quality I am taking from this trip for I feel as if I have gained them all; whether that be appreciation, awareness, open-mindedness, or self discovery. Through this trip I have taken a little of each of these qualities and more.

Simply put, I feel this trip has given me a greater sense of unity in the world. I now can wholeheartedly say that neither gender, language, age, nor race are able to create barriers to extinguish the human bonding experience. I feel blessed to have met the people I did and create stronger bonds with those I already knew. I wish the best for all the friends we left behind and hope that someday in the future our paths may cross once again.

Too Much To Say

Matyas, 16

I don’t think my last post did any justice to how I truly feel about my experiences in Costa Rica. I may not have realized it at the time, but as I settle into my home here in America, I’m reminded of all the stresses and issues that I escaped for those 12 days in Costa Rica. Now I find myself longing to return to Costa Rica and push all my troubles and anxieties away and live the "pura vida," forgetting about the stresses that Western civilization pushes into our daily lives. I WILL be returning. I no longer have my Western desires as much as I used to. It’s not about being successful, it’s about being happy. I’ve always had a hatred for materialism, greed, and sloth, but this trip made me realize how much I actually have of those things, and I want to change that picture of myself.

Now that I’ve been in the states for a few days, I’ve found myself falling back into the routine of sitting around on the computer for endless hours with nothing to do. I do catch myself sometimes and try to do something like cleaning up my room or helping my dad with things to do around the house, like cleaning out the attic or some yard work. But a few days ago, without knowing it, I let myself go and did nothing but watch all my DVR recordings while snacking on candy and gummi worms and played videogames for countless hours. I didn’t realize it until I was laying in my bed around 1:30am still awake from all the sugar and caffeine I had put into my body, and I felt disgusted. I actually did sit there thinking “Man, I wish Matt were here to tell me something to do” hah.

With Earth Day being yesterday all I have been thinking about was all of the trees we planted in Yorkín. How something so small as a seed can be a message of hope for the earth, to repay all the wrongdoings mankind has done to the very planet it calls its own.

Back to the point, I don’t think I described how much I benefitted from the experience in my last post, and I guarantee that after I hit “submit post” I'm going to realize I forgot something. While working in La Carpio I was exposed to poverty that I never had seen before, and the fact that it was so close to San José, the idea seems crazy, like it shouldn’t be so, but it is. And hearing the political advisor, “Chico,” laughing at the matter at first, but later admitting that they aren’t doing enough to help them, perhaps because he saw that none of us felt the same comicalness of the situation, made me feel like it’s going to be a long time before these people get what they need and deserve, which isn’t right. It makes me feel even better about how much we really did help them.

The experiences with the Ticos and the volcano were some of the highlights of the trip. Being able to communicate on a fairly decent level (finishing my 3rd year of Spanish this last trimester) I could speak with Pepe, Sam's and my pen pal, the first day pretty well, and he knew a good amount of English which also helped. What I liked most was how he was trying to communicate the word “Poland” to me, but I wasn’t understanding the Spanish version, so he started to describe it as the first country that the Germans invaded in WWII. I just thought it was cool how we had found a way around the language barrier with words we DID know and the fact that it was history and about WWII. I just really liked it, it was a clever way to get around the barrier.

When we all went to the volcano I got a sense of how powerful the Earth can be, even though this one wasn’t erupting with exploding fireballs and lava everywhere, I still got a feeling…similar to the feeling I got when we were in the airplane above the Earth (it was my 1st time flying), a feeling of how small I am, how small we all are on the Earth, not to mention the Universe. I just felt miniscule but humble at the same time. I’ve wanted a career in Biology, but the experience is making me think of shifting gears a little to maybe wildlife conservation, ecology, or environmental protection. I feel like the Earth should be our top priority and we owe it some respect.

Needless to say, the trip to Yorkín was amazing for me. As I mentioned before, I’ve always had a connection with nature and sympathy for the environment and animals, so I was perfectly fine with getting dirty and being hot, and working with the Bribri people. However, I didn’t enjoy constantly being wet. Other than that, I think everything was enjoyable and rewarding. I have nothing but optimism for the Bribri people; their ability to be happy and reject outside influence is something to be admired. Awesome. Even as I sit here, I wonder what it is they are doing and how our trees are getting planted/growing and how their building developments are progressing. I hope for the Bribri to continue their ways and stay a happy people.

The trip to Puerto Viejo and the Caribbean was mind opening as well. The culture, being more laid back and Rasta, was interesting to see and experience, even if we weren’t there long. However, it has rubbed off on me and I now have an extensive list of Bob Marley that I'm trying to put on my iPod. Not to mention the beach, with the Sea Urchin that Mr. Moreland, Shalyce, Arturo and I managed to get to shore and observe.

All in all, the trip has made me a more independent person. I feel like I can do anything, it just takes a little effort. I feel more grateful for all the little things that I have that I used to take for granted. However, I prefer the life in Costa Rica, even if it’s not so technologically advanced. That’s perfectly fine with me. I feel proud now, and happier about myself. I had experiences that a lot of people won’t ever have in their lifetime. And for all these reasons, I’m proud to now have this “little” reminder, of the Pura Vida that I plan to live, hanging in my room.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sweet Home Pittsburgh

Samantha, 18

So this looks like it will be my last post on this blog. It's been such a great journey. From the moment I found out I would be going on this trip until now feels like this giant blur filled with vivid memories.
Upon arriving home, I did not feel different. I was worried that I had not experienced Costa Rica the way everyone else had since everyone I spoke with that went felt completely different. It was not until I went to the movies with a friend yesterday that I realized how grateful I was to live where I do. We walked down Carson Street in the South Side and I remember feeling so happy that there were so many people around. I'm not sure if I was excited because there were so few people in the rain forest or if I had gained a sense of awareness of people and enjoying their presence from San Jose being such a family oriented society. Either way I know that I would not have even noticed or even cared about all the people roaming South Side previous to this trip.

I have begun cleaning my room and I've noticed that I buy a lot of things that I don't need or use which is a waste of money and space. The people in Yorkin don't have junk. They make use of everything and I'm not planning on living in the wilderness anytime soon, but a nice change for me would be to stop wasting time and money on things that aren't important.

I finally got around to uploading pictures on to Facebook. After I started really looking at the pictures and reading all the comments from the people who went on the trip with me, I began to miss everything so much. Even our pen-pals (who we have added as "friends" on Facebook) were commenting on photos. Josue was either saying how much he missed Courtney and I while looking at the party night pictures or making fun of me when looking at the picture of me under my mosquito net in the rain forest.

I feel like I really have friends in Costa Rica and I think that was the coolest part of the trip for me. It's just neat to see that the Ticos were so similar to my friends and I. Josue even commented on some pictures I posted saying that he looked bad and requested I take them down just like my friends or I do to each other!

I plan on learning more Spanish so that when we go back (some of us have a 2015 plan in the making) I will be able to communicate better. Josue and I have already started translating to each other back and fourth on Facebook and I feel like I'm already getting better.

It was such an experience and I feel like there is so much to say, yet I can't put everything into words. I had an amazing time and I miss Costa Rica a lot. I can't wait to travel and see everything the world has to offer. I'm just really grateful to have been chosen to go on this trip and I feel like after all of that, college will be a breeze.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's Not Over, So Grab It

Courtney, 17

Our plane touched down at Pittsburgh international around 11:20 or so on April 15, 2010. Despite the fact that I’m home, things don’t seem to be like they were which I believe is because huge parts of my heart were left behind in various parts of Costa Rica.

Once we reached the airport and said our goodbyes to Matt, who had been with us the entire trip, things finally started to set in. The time had come and the trip was over. At this time I was filled with an indescribable sadness, yet relieved by the fact that I was coming home to open arms. At this point all I could do was try and focus on the positives and remember that I control my future and whether or not I will return to Costa Rica.

A few of the other group members and I have made a pact that we will return in 5 years to pick up where we left off in San Jose, Yorkin, and Puerto Viejo. Though I’m a part of this pact, I created a personal pact to go back to Costa Rica during my undergraduate studies. I hope to stay with a family and learn more about the culture of Costa Rica and how things are run, while I take classes at the university.

It sounds cliché to say that this trip has completely changed me as a person, as well as what I want out of life--but it’s true. When I signed up to be a part of this experience, I had no idea that I was going to take so much from it. Since being back in the states, I haven’t really noticed myself being grateful for what I have. It’s almost as if I’m upset because I have everything that some would call “life’s necessities” mainly because I was happier in Yorkin where I didn’t have a need for them at all.

Upon returning from this trip life has become interesting and scary because of the things I know I will have to face soon. Decisions will have to be made and I will be the one to make them. I’m worried that because of this trip I will be so stuck on all the fun and different experiences I had in Costa Rica, I will forget or ignore all the fun and different experiences I can have here in the states. This is the time when I believe I will have to find a balance between fantasy and reality; otherwise I will be stuck in the Costa Rica 2010 trip forever.

This may not be all that bad, but it could prevent me from having as many amazing stories as I have from Costa Rica. Either way the moral of my journey to Costa Rica is that life is yours for the taking and it’s up to you to either grab it or watch it fly past you.

My only option is to grab it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Can't believe it's already over

Nathan, 18

We are home, and as great of a feeling as it is, I wish we were still in Costa Rica. It doesn't seem right not being woken up by people getting up super early to take a shower, or by teachers knocking on our door to make sure we're up. Now I wake up by myself or by my dogs barking at squirrels in my backyard. This trip has come to an end really quick, and it didn't take too long for me to grasp the truth about it being over. I know that I am not in a country that I have fallen in love with, but I'm back in the country that I call home. Since being back, I have been doing a lot of reflecting on the whole trip, and what Larry stated in his blog, "I can guarantee they're missing everything that we left in Costa Rica", I fully believe that this is an accurate statement. I have talked with a few of my new "family" members since coming back, and it seems that we are all missing something that we left behind.

Over the past 12 days, my perspective on life has completely changed. Before traveling, I knew that I would be experiencing something I have never had a chance to experience before now. I just didn't know how it would effect me in the end. Everyone I have talked to that has gone on past trips said that it changed their life, and now I understand why. This trip is a complete eye-opener to what the world really is. Seeing how other people live in a different country compared to people in the USA is different. One prime example of this is if something needs to get done. While in Yorkin and La Carpio if something needed to be done, people got to it, and didn't complain about it. Here in the USA, if something needs to get done, people will procrastinate, or go and hire someone to do it for them. On another note, there are some similarities between Costa Rica, and the USA but none that are really eye catching like the differences. Another way this trip has really effected me is that I now know that I don't have to rely on the advancements that we have here in the USA. While in Costa Rica we barely used any form of technology, and when we did it was only when we had to blog.

This trip has really been a trip of lifetime, and I miss being in Costa Rica already. I have started to adapt back to how my life was before leaving, and I'm enjoying what I have left for my final break of high school. Thinking on everything that we did down there, and trying to bring that to my life hasn't really been a challenge. While down in Costa Rica I barely used any form of technology (i.e cellphone, computer, video games...etc.), and now I don't feel like I need to use any of those.

Finally, this trip really helped open my eyes to the world, and it makes me want to see even more of it. Maybe while I am in college I will study aboard in Costa Rica, and meet up with some of the people that I have already met. But in the meantime I'll still be thinking COSTA RICA 2015!

Home, or Am I?

Larry, 17
We made it home.

It's kind of weird to wake up to no one in the shower. To wake up to what you want to eat and to eat when you want to eat. It hasn't taken much time for me to realize that it's all over. It's kind of hard to realize that though, because, as much as everyone wanted their beds, families etc., I can guarantee they're missing everything that we left in Costa Rica.

I learned a lot throughout this trip. At first I thought about not going...because I thought that I knew what I would get out of it, what I would encounter. But I was completely wrong. There were many big life things that I learned, as well as just a lot of little things. Some of which are words, to the way I look at things and the way  I approach situations.

It's just been an experience of a lifetime. It truly changed the way I think and it's made me question what I want out of my life and what I want my life to be. I guess before, I knew what I wanted to do with my life, I had it all set up in my head. But this trip kind of shuffled that up and it's forming a new puzzle.

It has made me realize that life is what you make it. You can either sit and think about all the materialistic possessions you have/want and be unhappy because you've been so obsessed with all of that, or you can not be worried about the materialistic things and just be happy with the basics you need to live--like the people in La Carpio as well as in Yorkin at the Stribrawpa Organization, who may not have many things in monetary value but they have plenty of the things that we in America have lost sight of, like family.

In America we're all pressured to have everything, all the luxuries; but in reality, if we have a roof over our heads, a way for food and we have a close knit's all you need. Just ask the people living in La Carpio or Yorkin....who in my opinion have lives worth envying.

I think that I'll be making another visit to Costa Rica in the near future and, who knows...maybe I'll even call it home.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Out of the Forest, to the beach, and home!

Matyas, 16

We're back to civilization after being in the rain forest for 3 days of work. We helped the Bribri people of Yorkin (pronounced Your-keen) build a trail, cut pieces of wood for lodge building, and start making a pathway to their new conference-center-in-progress. It was a lot of work but we got our rewards by swimming in a nearby stream at the end of the days, which was really fun. A couple of the other guys and myself (along with Mr. Moreland) were skipping stones down stream and eventually we got the whole group doing it with us. Then one of the little boys who lived there set up some rocks far away that we were all going to try and hit down. My favorite part was that when our guide, Matt, said it was time to go, he kind of forgot what he said and started to try and hit the rocks as well.

Being that I want to base my future career field in some type of Biology, visiting Costa Rica allowed me to see lots of animals. It gave me opportunities to catch small toads, lizards, and insects, as well as let me observe the beauty that is the Blue Morpho Butterfly.

After the rain forest we didn't come straight back home, we stopped by the Caribbean Sea first! I enjoyed that part the most. The country is just as culturally diverse as it is biologically diverse. The Caribbean coast of Costa Rica has a pinch of "Rasta" culture, which is overall laid-back, but at the same time bouncing with Reggae music. The beach was stunningly beautiful, and I got to observe some marine life there as well. There were a lot of old coral reefs that were on the beach and some that were halfway in the water. On those ones Arturo, Shalyce, Mr. Moreland and I found lots of Sea Urchins. For the sake of observation, I got a stick and flicked one out to the coast, being sure to avoid its spines.

Overall, from the Rainforest to the Caribbean, the whole trip was worth it. I can't describe how beautiful this country is. Nor could I describe the whole experience of this trip on this blog. Its going to have to come out in person, but I still really encourage anyone to come visit Costa Rica and experience the true meaning of "Pura Vida."
Arturo, 17

The past four days were somehow very difficult to me. First of all, the four to five hour drive to Yorkin wasn't the best. Sitting in the bus made me feel really frustrated at times while people made too much noise. However, when arriving closer to Yorkin, the boat ride was definitely one of the most stress relieving things we did. For some reason I felt like the boat ride was one of the most exciting things we did on the trip. It gave me a lot of time to think and feel the freshness of nature. I believe it was one of the best things we did because it was one of the first times that I was able to be alone in a way. By the time of us going to Yorkin, I felt I needed some time to think alone and canoeing to Yorkin made me feel great.

As we did our service work in Yorkin, I definitely thought it was much more challenging than what we did in La Carpio. It was challenging because not only did we have to deal with the work but with knowing that we were in the middle of the forest and other minor things. As for me, one of my challenges is being in places in nature. By this I mean going camping, taking a walk to the park or being anywhere that is outside of the city, makes me feel depressed. However, in Yorkin, I thought I overcame that challenge because I did not feel any awkwardness in me. I tried to interact with some of the students more to keep my mind off thinking too much. We played cards about every day which helped even more and it became a routine.

Otherwise, after all, I felt really proud of myself because I knew I worked hard. We all worked hard and made the Stribrawpa community feel proud of us too by seeing us doing challenging work in the hot sun. Some time in the future I would actually like to go back to this community and see how much it has grown and how their projects are improving.

Thoroughly Impressed

Mr. Moreland, Science Teacher

Thinking back on the experience in both San Jose and Yorkin, I was thoroughly impressed by our students. When asked, they stepped up and worked hard, both in La Carpio and in the rainforest. If I asked for a few students to volunteer, there was always a group of students who would lend a hand. The work was back breaking, especially in Yorkin; however, our students met the challenge, working hard up to our last day in the rainforest.

During our interview with the Bri Bri community, I had many questions to ask our interviewee. However, I let the students decide upon which questions to ask, instead of interrupting and asking my questions. At the end of the interview, all of the deep questions I wanted to ask were asked by the students. The students had similar questions and curiosities about the Yorkin people to me, and they were not afraid to ask them. I don't think they would have done this at the beginning of the trip.

I believe that the experiences and the lessons they have learned about life, family, and the environment will stay with these students for a very long time.


Although We've Come To The End of The Road.

Larry, 17

Well, there were a lot of things in this past couple of days I really enjoyed. We did a lot and it spanned from the rain forest to a high school to a the beach. Not many kids can say they've covered so much land in such little time and had SO much fun! It's kind of sad that it's all coming to an end and I really wish that it wasn't ending. I've had the opportunity to learn more Spanish and learn a lot about myself. But the activity that meant the most to me would have to be our 4 day stay in Yorkin. What I really enjoyed about it was the fact that the people there were so welcoming. I was able to hold conversations with the kids and bond with them. I would have to say that my spanish has improved significantly. That was really enjoyable, as well as being able to talk to the high school students at Liceo Vargas of course. I have a lot to write and am running on a little bit of sleep so I split some of the things up below.

Food Late-Update!

I'm not sure if anyone has told you this but on one of our last days in San Jose before we went to the rainforest we had an underground operation called Project Pepe. Pepe was one of the high school students that we met. Since we were all stuck in the hotel together we weren't able to get [junk] food. This was where Pepe came in. With my awesome Spanish skills and Ashlee as well as Cherie we mustered up funds to bring [junk] food to us. We had to sneak it past Oliver, Arenth, Thomas and Moreland!!

Liceo Vargas High School

It was pretty awesome being able to talk to kids from another country and who all speak a different language. A lot of people found themselves struggling to communicate, but I didn't have that problem which was pretty cool. I've improved my Spanish dramatically. I managed to make some pretty awesome friends as well.


The experience was once in a life. We took a boat up to Stibrawpa and we stayed in the rain forest for a couple days and helped make paths. I was able to go with one of the lead builders for their new project of many houses as well as other things and I learned a lot.

I'm always being I'll let Cherie use the computer and finish later.

A handful of new experiences

Melina, 17

Over the past few days, I've learned a lot about appreciating the little things in life. Traveling to Yorkin was a really mind blowing adventure that made me realize just how good I have it. I'm not the type that's used to sleeping in a bed covered with a bug net every night, or that likes big beetles flying at my face during a group meeting, showering while being able to look right out into the rain forest, etc. Going to Yorkin taught me a lot about the way a whole other culture works around day to day issues and still remains happy and welcoming at the end of the day. But thankfully, I was able to manage my way through those few days, through the heat, hard work, food, and other unfamiliar challenges.

After overcoming the fear that the canoe was going to tip quite a few times, we made it back on the road again. We headed for Puerto Viejo, and I must say that being there was probably one of my favorite parts about the whole trip. It was much more lively, had pretty beaches with such warm/clear water, amazing hotel rooms, and a fun night life experience. Working hard in La Carpio and Yorkin really paid off. Being able to have a day or two of fun was much needed after all this time and I really enjoyed it.

Overall this trip has taught me a lot about myself, others, different cultures and ways of living and so much more. I don't regret coming at all and hope to experience more life changing expeditions at some point throughout life. Although I can't wait to reach Pittsburgh again and see my family, it's going to be sad having to leave Costa Rica and all the memories that will remain.

Yorkin: Joys and Struggles

Kiera, 16

The first day when I arrived in Yorkin I really wasn't surprised with what I saw. Our little cabins weren't that bad, even though there was no closing side to the roof, they gave us nets, so that we could protect ourselves from insects. I mentioned in my other blog that I love nature, and trust me, Yorkin is beautiful. I just struggle with bugs, I feel as though they are pointless and annoying. Throughout my time there, I was paranoid about being bit or hurt by bugs--especially when they told us about the scorpions. After I saw a scorpion in the roof of our dining lodge, I was even more paranoid.

I also struggled with the food; not only in Yorkin, but in Costa Rica in general. I struggled in Yorkin more because it was not like they had options, unlike the other restaurants and places we went where I would try to get something that I'm more comfortable eating. In Yorkin, we had to eat what we were given, or we just wouldn't eat. So I had a really difficult time trying the foods because I had never had them before. The only two things I loved were the bananas and the pineapples. They were extra juicy.

But enough about my struggles, I enjoyed so many things in Yorkin. I loved swimming in the river against the currents because I had never been in a river before, especially something like that. I also really loved the people there. They were such great people to be around. Even when some of us were mad, they just brightened up our days.
This guy, I forgot his name, but he was so sweet. He sang for us, whenever we went back to sit with him. They all were adorable, with their cute little smiles.
Also, Sam and I made a new friend, her name is Fevi (Fee-Vee). She was so adorable. She and Sam were having a photoshoot, and I joined them. She loved making cool faces for the photos, she was just so adorable. That's my new Bribri friend.

One other thing I loved about being in Yorkin was that the Bribri were happy to share their culture. We interviewed one person and asked her questions about the culture. Another lady taught us some of the Bribri language ("mia mia" means "thank you"). And we also were told some stories that have been passed down through their culture. Overall, I loved Yorkin, because it really showed me how different a culture can be.

Looking Back

LaShai, 17

Tonight is our last night in Costa Rica. Although I miss my family and everyone else at home, I'm really sad to be leaving. Being here we've gotten the chance to meet a lot of new people, and even though we've only known them for a couple of days it's really hard to say goodbye. I truthfully don't know whom I will miss most in Costa Rica because they all feel like family. I hope that when I return here in the near future that I can reconnect with the friends I have made here.

I think being here has made me appreciate so many of the little things. People here are so appreciative of things they do have and don't mind what they don't have. I hope that I can take that state of mind back home with me.

Wrapping it up....

Daontay, 18

Tonight is the last night in San Jose. I thought I would be much sadder to leave, but I'm not. It's not that I didn't love the country and its people, it's that I get to take all that I've learned and apply it to my own life in my own country. I wouldn't say that this trip was life changing, but it was a great experience that allowed me to see the world from a fresh pair of eyes. I will return home with a sense of connectivity and an awareness of the importance of language and communication. Costa Rica will always have a special place in my heart.

Wet Sand, Dry Sand, The Beach & Bracelets

Courtney, 17

The night before we left for Yorkin was one of the worst, but the next day actually ended up being one of the best days of my life. I was sad about having to leave the new friends I had just made and the comfort of the city to go to a place where I had no idea what was to be expected. But once I arrived in the community of the Bribri, I knew I was in the exact place that would develop me as a person and basically form the foundation of who I am to become and encourage the changes and transitions I will face.

The bus ride was a long one, and the canoe ride was as well, but it was well worth every hour spent sitting in one place. Of course the living conditions changed dramatically--we slept with nets covering us and showered with cold water. But in the end each day spent in Yorkin was a privilege. We either started the day with clearing an area for a walking path, hiking wet sand up trails, laying "cookies" (sections of large trunks of fallen trees cut by chain saw converted to form steps in a path) or planting seeds for the tree nursery. Each day was a great realization for me. I've never felt more comfortable in a place that was the complete opposite of where I have been raised.

In the end I found that I felt guilty for not being grateful for all that I have back in the states. I wished that I cherished life in the states as the Bribri do in Yorkin. It was a completely odd feeling yet, I felt rewarded because no one else in the group had that feeling and I knew that my definition of life is defined by the minor things like just living and breathing happily with the comfort of others and family members. I admire all the Bribri because of their courage to take on life for what it is, and not opt for the easy was out as many people do in the states.

Leaving Yorkin has to be the worst part of this trip for me, mainly because I felt so at home. I felt as if I belonged there and would have done anything to stay, but since the time was up, and I had to move on I reluctantly packed up, said my goodbyes and headed to this beautiful spot near the beach. my experience at the beach only heightened my feelings of disapproval toward the easy way out of life. I honestly would have preffered being in Yorkin still assiting them with what needed to be done and bonding with the people.

Ater buying a few bracelets, and some "stromberrry" juice...we packed up for the last time and are now in San Jose awaiting out final departure. I plan on crying...but I also plan on coming back as soon as possible.

First step, learn Spanish...Second step...figure out what I want to do in life and make sure it can be done in Costa Rica.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An Unforgettable Journey

Patrick, 17

Transitioning from San Jose city life into an adventure in the rain forest in Yorkin has been one of the most difficult and challenging tasks that the group has experienced. This was when the teachers said that we would start getting frustrated with people and people would start showing their true colors; and they were right.

I personally have never been in the rainforest, so everything that I encountered was a first for me. The local people called the Bri Bri were so nice and welcoming to us. They cooked us 3 meals a day and provided us with snacks. I really liked and appreciated what they did for us. They were so patient, family-orientated, and respectful of each other and that's something that I really admire about them. From an economic point of view, we Americans have more than them but I think that they are truly happier than we are because they appreciate everything that they have and use all of their resources to their full potential.

As I previously mentioned, their were a lot of things in the rain forest that agitated people. The main thing was the bugs everywhere. It seems like it didn't matter how much bug spray or sun block we put on, there were still bugs everywhere. Also, people were frustrated at a lack of people's participation when it was time to dig down and work hard. From carrying huge and heavy bags of sand to carrying wooden "cookies," the work that we did in the rain forest was hard, tiring and made people want to give up, but I honestly believe that, as a whole, we did a fantastic job in the short amount of time given.

I think looking back at the whole rainforest experience, I am definitely going to appreciate the smaller things in life and not take anything for granted. I think the Bri Bri people showed me that and that's what I'm going to take out of it the most.

Things that I really enjoyed in the rainforest were all time we got to spend with each other and the endless laughs that we experienced. Also, I learned how to play a neat card game called President that I think was really cool. All the time I spent with my other group members let me get to know them as people, which I thought was really important. Also, although I dont speak Spanish particularly well, I think that playing soccer with the kids was really cool. Also (I know I use this word a lot) helping out in the kitchen was something really interesting because I enjoy cooking. Even though I got a lot of mosquito bites, I honestly think that sleeping under the mosquito net was really cool too (and I dont know why!!!!)

My first time at the beach wasn't what I expected, mainly due to the weather, the beach wasn't what I thought. I envisioned palm trees, sunny skies and clear water. The forecast was kind of rainy when we went, but I still had fun. The sand was something that I am going to have to get used to because it was kind of painful. The second day at the beach had more of an my idea of the beach because it was sunny out.

Throughout the trip, I experienced many ups and downs, but I think that I gained a deeper understanding of who exactly I am as a person. Everyone who goes on this journey experiences it from their own perspective. I definitely want to study Spanish beyond high school now because of this experience. I hope to one day come back to this place with new ideas, thoughts and memories.

A Whole New Experience

Alyssa, 17

We have finally returned back to San Jose for our last night in Costa Rica. Although I am glad to return home to my family, kitty, and friends, I will definitely miss a few parts of Costa Rican culture; especially the friends we made earlier on with the high school students at Liceo Vargas Calvo.

The rainforest was a completely different experience than San Jose. I think I was preparing for the worst, so the experience was not so bad in the end. I really enjoyed being able to experience another way of life. It began with a one hour canoe ride. Being able to see all of the scenery on the way to the Bribri community was really cool, although I was worried about how far we were from modern civilization.

When we first arrived in Yorkin, I wasn't sure what to expect. I saw a few buildings with roofs that looked like huts. There were chickens roaming around. It took about a day to get used to the feel of the community. I was really worried about the food, and some of it was left untouched. But, I did try a lot of things. I loved this bread that tasted like a donut when you dipped it in sugar. I was facinated by the way that they cooked, and was happy when Patrick and I got to help out in the kitchen on the last night for dinner. It was hard work helping to cook for our entire group plus the families of the women that were cooking. We had to peel, cut, and cook carrots, shape dough, serve, and do the dishes. But the greatest thing was being a real part of their community.

I think we put in a lot of hard work in Yorkin. We built paths, carried sand, planted trees, and more. All of which was mostly in the rain! Costa Rica is currently entering its wet season and it has rained a lot so far. It definitely made the work harder, especiallly carrying the sand since wet sand is heavier, but we got through it. We made a lot of progress in the projects they are trying to complete, and helping them felt very good. While I was working, I enjoyed being able to look at the different kinds of plants and animals (including bugs!) that there were in the rainforest. It's a completely different ecosystem than the city.

However, the thing we looked forward to most after working was swimming! There was a great swimming spot in the river, minus the rocks. We went there two out of the three work days. The first day it wasn't very deep and the rocks were easy to see and overcome. The second day we couldn't swim because of all the rain, so the water was too high. The third day we swam the river was definitely higher than the first day, but it was still fun. I liked how you could relax by sitting in between a few rocks. It was also cool to see the small natural waterfalls caused by the rocks.

I tried my best to speak Spanish well enough to communicate with some of the people living there. There were two little girls that I was talking to and they were so sweet. It was sad to have to leave everyone that we met in the community. We felt a sense of belonging there, and we also realized how important family is.

Although it was sad to leave the rainforest, we got to relax at the beach. I loved being able to be in the Carribean side of Costa Rica. The culture is so different and laid back. The hotel we stayed in was really nice, it was like our own little house. It was unfortunate we only got to stay there for one night. The beach was a lot of fun, and I can now say I swam in the Carribean! I also loved going to Puerto Viejo to shop. The jewelery was beautiful.

Well, we're off to the airport tomorrow. I'm sad to have to leave Costa Rica so soon, and I wish we could have had a few more days in Puerto Viejo and San Jose. I am looking forward to seeing everyone back home again, including Katie!!! I hope she isn't mad at me when I get back. I'm hoping we have a quick and safe flight home, and that I can come home, relax, and eat some real American food!

It really does rain a lot in the rainforest

Samantha, 18

I´m a city girl. If I have taken anything from this experience, that is it!

We spent a few days in Yorkin as you have most likely read in other people´s posts. We built paths and planted trees to lower the environmental impact of flying here. I thought that was pretty cool, especially because I had not even thought of all the fuel we used! The people in Yorkin were really friendly and, even though I knew no Spanish, I was able to communicate with a little girl named Pheve. I was drawn to her when I thought that her name was Phoebe--as in the best character of all time on prime-time television played by Lisa Kudrow in the hit series Friends.

She was really young, maybe five or six so she knew no English and I wasn´t sure what to do. I felt like I was not being social enough with the people there since I did not want to play soccer so I wanted to make an effort to communicate with her. I have a younger cousin, Kayla, who is around that age and I thought about how when I am with her she loves to take funny pictures together so I thought I would give it a try!

I took a picture of myself making a face and then pointed to her and she made the same face. Then she would make up a face and I would copy her. This went on for almost an hour and by the time we were done she had gone from being quiet and shy to all smiles and giggles. I thought that it was really cool that even though they don´t have technology there and we didn´t speak the same language that she was still basically the same as a young girl in the U.S. We all love having our pictures taken!

The beach was nice yesterday and today, but suprisingly I don´t think that was my favorite part of the trip. I liked the Rastafarian feel of the area we shopped in which makes me want to travel to Jamaica really bad, but honestly I think San Jose is my favorite area. I just like the honking of horns when I´m trying to sleep better than the annoying howler monkeys screaming all night or the constant fear that a cockroach is going to crawl into your bed.

Everyone is getting anxious to go home and I´d be lying if I said I wasn´t one of them. I snuck on Facebook and I miss everyone so much. I actually miss Pittsburgh. Even though that means taking off the flip flops and pulling out my hoody from my closet.

To the rain forest, the sea, and the city

Nathan, 18

Since leaving for Yorkin the trip has been an eye opener. Being in Yorkin has changed my perspectives on many things. For the three days of being in the rain forest not having any form of technology to use really affected me. Knowing that I can have fun without using these gadgets, means that I can go out and do more that I want to do, when I want to do it. The Bribri's helped me realize this. We spent most of our time at the main lodge, and working. The work was challenging mentally because I wasn't ready for it to rain while we were working.

At the main lodge we would play cards or hangout with our new friends that live in the Yorkin community. Everyday, after we were done working, our new friends were always waiting for us to do something (mainly wanting to play soccer). We only played soccer twice because it rained so much. When I get back to the states I think I'll be doing more physical activity because I'm still young, and I can do all of that sitting around when I'm older.

After Yorkin, we went to the beach in Puerto Viejas. The beach was relaxing, and it helped me come to my senses about what I miss, and what I'm so grateful for. While being in Costa Rica, my eyes have been opened wide, and I know I'm going to take back a lot of stuff. A couple of the main things are that I'm going to be more open-minded to everything around me, and I'm going to try new things that are thrown at me. Now that I've seen how much volunteer work really affects people, I know that I will want to help less fortunate people in Pittsburgh, and around the world. The final main thing that I will be taking back with me is that I loved having this experience, and I loved sharing it with everyone I traveled with. Knowing that there were people I didn't really talk to before we left, I talked to them here tells me I have built many friendships. The friends I had before this trip started have only become stronger, and I know that these friendships will last a lifetime. I think this is one of the most valuable things I will be taking back with me.

I cannot wait to arrive in Pittsburgh late tomorrow night. Even though I love it here, I miss a lot of things about home. What I cannot wait to do when I get home is see Amanda, and my family. They have supported me through the whole trip, and I know that they are excited to see me come back and hear all of the stories that I have to tell about this amazing trip. My dogs also helped me through this trip because they always brightened my day. I could see there faces in all of the dogs that we encountered while working in La Carpio, and Yorkin, and that always put a smile on my face.

As time wears down, I am going to enjoy my last few hours here in Costa Rica, and enjoy it with all the memories that I have made while being here. We have a few more activities planned while in San Jose, and I'll finally be able to get souvenirs for a few people. I love you all, and I cannot wait to see you tomorrow night.

Service Work in Yorkin

Overcoming struggles in the rain forest

Cherie, 17

The trip into the forest was an interesting one. I really didn't know what to expect when heading to our stay with the Bribri tribe, so I was a little worried. As is obvious from my previous blogs, adapting to the food here has been a struggle, but for the majority of our adventure there I dealt with the food they gave us. It really didn't turn out to be that bad in the end, but it still bothered me at times.

However, the biggest thing I learned during our stay there was how to deal with another of my biggest struggles: how easily I lose my patience with people and become frustrated. On the last day of work, I was just about fed up with everyone and everything. I gave up and sat out by the cabin. After some frustation was passed and a little arguing was done, I got back to work. I realized that being frustrated and reaching my breaking point causes others to do the same, which really isn't good for the group. I got back to work after that and tried to keep a positive attitude about the whole thing, which I think helped me and the people around me.

The same thing happened at dinner last night. I pretty much had a major breakdown at the restaurant and really was ready to home. After a talk with Ms. Arenth and Ms. Thomas, I was able to calm down though. I realized that sharing my feelings aloud sparked others to do the same, which really just caused a table full of madness. We went shopping and I was able to remember what I had learned from our stay in the rain forest.

Despite those few struggles I had a difficult time overcoming, the past couple of days were really amazing. The beach was really fun and playing card games for hours before and after dinner in the rain forest was a really cool way to just chill out and get to know people. The van ride coming back to San Jose was really fun too! We may have aggravated Mr. Oliver a lot, but it was all in good fun. I think it was a really good way to get closer to people who I've never really talked to before this trip. I'm really sad our time is coming to an end, but I think it's best. Can't wait to come back and visit!

Thank Goodness

Ashlee, 17

Today we finally got back to San Jose and I am so happy. We went to Yorkin and did some work which was very challenging. We made trails and planted trees all around the rain forest. I never did hard labor like that before and that was one of my challenges.

My other challenge was sleeping with huge bugs at night. I hate bugs! One night we just got into our rooms and I turned around and saw this huge roach on the wall and I started crying, saying that I couldn't do this. In the long run I overcame all of my challenges and I am very proud of myself.

Into the wild!!!

Siena, 17

On friday we went into Yorkin to live with a small community of people called the Bribri. They are an indigenous tribe who live in the rainforest in a totally eco-friendly way. Spending nights with large loud bugs and little to no lighting was certainly a change for us city-dwellers. I found their way of life to be very interesting and inspiring.

Although these people may seem to live in harsh conditions, they are actually some of the happiest and caring people I have met. They value their family and friends along with their natural environment. I really loved how they took times out of their laborious days to enjoy the precious small joys. The best experience I had there happened every night right after dinner. A group of us would gather in the lounge area where a younger man would play guitar and sing songs to us in Spanish before we went to bed. It was lovely.

The Beach!

Danielle, 17

For four days we were in the rain forest. It was really interesting to see what the rain forest is like. At first I thought it was going to be like camping, which it was in a way, but at the same time it was completely different. After being in the rain forest for four days I was ready to get out of there, which is really odd for me because I love camping.

When it was finally the last day there I was extremely excited! I couldn't wait to go to the beach! Once we arrived at the hotel we all got ready really fast to go to the beach. While we were walking to the beach I was so excited I was walking extremely fast. Once we were actually there, the sight of the beach took my breath away. It was so beautiful there I never wanted to leave! I have never seen water as blue as the Carribean Sea. Then when I went into the sea the water felt so good after a long four days in the rain forest.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Trip Comes to an End

Shalyce, 17

While in Yorkin we couldn´t blog so this will be fairly long.

The way in to Yorkin:
It was a 5 hour drive to this little village where we all had to get out and go get on a canone for 45min more. Fun.

To be honest once we got there I was a little worried. but I just had to be positive. Later that night after dinner the teachers pulled me aside and said that I was being negative. I was really really upset. But then I just tried doing everything possible to show them I wasn´t.

The next day we worked really hard and I saw so many creepy bugs. It was horrible but I got the work done.

Day 2 of working I had had enough of the bugs and the bug bites, which I am covered in. I sort of broke down and cried for a few minutes.

Day 3 of work I really had enough. I had sunburn on my face near my eyes and nothing was helping and I hurt because I had a rash on my arms from the bug bites. The bags of sand we were carring were not helping either. I just couldn't do it anymore, but eventually I got back up and started working hard again.

The people there were so kind and friendly. I really did love it there. I wish I could go back. The food was really good, and the cool thing about it was they used wood burning stoves and for the first days all I could taste was the smoked flavor everything had, but I soon loved it and I would get seconds almost every meal. The one morning we had pancakes a la Bribri, and I had so many of them I thought I would blow up. They were sooo good. We put sugar on them and my goodness. I would have stayed there forever and just eaten those things everyday for the rest of my life, but sadly we had to leave.

On the way out to the canoes I fell becuase it had been raining, with some sun here and there, but luckily I didnt get completely muddy, but it was bad. I got over that and we got back to the van and drove to the ocean.

A Day in Paradise:
As you readers know we were on the carribean side of Costa Rica this year! It was so pretty. The water was clear, it was warm and the sun was shining. I was so happy. The bungalows where we stayed were great too. The beach was so nice. I saw tide pools with lots of little fish and we all just had a great time. I loved it there to.

Day 12:
Today we are going shopping!!!! Then getting on the plane to come home. I am really going to miss it here. The people are kind, the food is good, with some variety, and I just love it here. But I am really ready to see my family and friends. I really miss my baby sisters Jasmine and Kiki. I am happy I get to see them and I will have very nice gifts for them and my mommy.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Moving Into the Heart of Costa Rica

Ryan Oliver, Social Studies Teacher

During our time in San Jose we've clearly experienced vast differences in culture, values and day to day routines of life. Students are facing challenges related to food, friendships, and schedules that would wear down even the most energetic teen. However, we remain immersed in the familiar rhythms, stimuli, and anxieties of modern urban life. With the exception of Thursday's visit to Poas and a brief walk through a dwarf forest, mostly ignored in the excitement of having more time with our Costa Rican friends, nature has been a pretty ornament along concrete streets and a flavorful fruit juice served at breakfast.

That is about to change...

Friday morning we leave our hotel and our electronics behind to wind our way up over the mountains surrounding San Jose and the city, arriving four hours later in the coastal city of Puerto Viejo. From their we will board canoes and be transported up the river to Bribri territory in Talamanca, one of the last remaining indigenous communities in this country of 4 million that often ignores and downplays it's native roots.

This will be much more than a physical journey as it entails removing ourselves from the hectic but comfortable pace of city life with its time schedules, appointments, and rapid movements from one stimulating activity to another. In Jacob Needleman's terms, we will be leaving the world in which time is the master of men and women to enter a world of slow natural rhythms of rain, birth, decay, death, and rebirth. In listening to this world and slowing down our minds and bodies to meet it's pace, we hope all will have a better chance to experience the "conscious time," that can emerge when we move slow enough to experience both the inner and outer sounds usually drowned out under the din of city life.

Joseph Conrad and other western colonial writers were simply wrong when they described these pockets of "uncivilized" community as "darkness." They may be dark in a literal sense as a result of minimal electricity and technological advancements that fill up the nights with sound and light, and we may not agree with all their traditions and values, but they are better described in the richness of color they hold for those that look and listen closely and with more curiosity. As we travel tomorrow we will be entering the Heart of greenness and brownness, of community and independence in the face of dominating brutal forces, and the Heart of life lived in relationship with the natural world rather than at war against it.

As a logical result, there will be no internet access and no blog postings until we re-emerge Tuesday afternoon. May we continue to face challenges head on, supporting one another as the small travelling family we have become.
Courtney, 17

Here I am again sitting at the desk with so much to say but words can't express...
I've come to the realization that I am actually living an emotional, thrilling, and life changing experience that I will look back on for the rest of my life. This trip may have even opened me up to the idea of studying, and possibly living abroad. I hope this becomes a reality in the near future.

Today, we hosted a party for our tico/tica pals and had so much fun. I did my best to hype up the crowd and break the ice with hopes of making everyone more comfortable. Sure enough, everyone joined in and we shared different childhood games and taught each other new dances. My pen pal Paula also brought me a gift, which in my eyes symbolizes friendship, and I couldn't feel more reassured that we are in fact friends forever. I hope that all our pals get the chance to come to America so they can feel exactly what I'm feeling at this very moment!

In a way, this all feels like a dream. which is possible, because all great dreams come to an end and I know that my stay here in Costa Rica is up within the next 7 days. I really hope that I get to come back and really experience all there is to experience soon!!!

Yo amo Costa Rica muchisimo!!!!