Self Development Through Cultural Exploration, Service Learning & Environmental Study

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Costa Rica 2010 Photos

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Furthest From Home.

Siena, 17

The furthest I have ever been from home is Toronto, Ontario in Canada. I went there to visit my great uncle and aunt. I went there with my parents and stayed for about a week. While I was there the most meaningful thing I learned was about my family history and how my uncle and his family immigrated to America from Russia. I was able to learn about where my family came from and the obstacles they had to overcome during WWII. It really made me appreciate my family and my heritage.

The trip I will be taking next is further away than Ontario. It’s the furthest I will have ever been. It’s Costa Rica. Going on this trip will be the furthest from home I have been, and it will be the longest time I have been away from my family. To prepare for this trip I have bought all the supplies I need and am mentally preparing myself for not being able to see or talk to my family or friends for almost two weeks. Although this may seem difficult, I am determined to pull through and do the best I can and have the most fun and adventure I can. I can tell this trip is going to be great and be a turning point in my life. I know I am going to learn a lot of valuable lessons and cannot wait to get there.

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