Self Development Through Cultural Exploration, Service Learning & Environmental Study

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Costa Rica 2010 Photos

Friday, April 9, 2010

Courtney, 17

Here I am again sitting at the desk with so much to say but words can't express...
I've come to the realization that I am actually living an emotional, thrilling, and life changing experience that I will look back on for the rest of my life. This trip may have even opened me up to the idea of studying, and possibly living abroad. I hope this becomes a reality in the near future.

Today, we hosted a party for our tico/tica pals and had so much fun. I did my best to hype up the crowd and break the ice with hopes of making everyone more comfortable. Sure enough, everyone joined in and we shared different childhood games and taught each other new dances. My pen pal Paula also brought me a gift, which in my eyes symbolizes friendship, and I couldn't feel more reassured that we are in fact friends forever. I hope that all our pals get the chance to come to America so they can feel exactly what I'm feeling at this very moment!

In a way, this all feels like a dream. which is possible, because all great dreams come to an end and I know that my stay here in Costa Rica is up within the next 7 days. I really hope that I get to come back and really experience all there is to experience soon!!!

Yo amo Costa Rica muchisimo!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your blogs have been fun to read. I am glad you are enjoying yourself and even more glad that you are recognizing and appreciating the experience and opportunity that you have been given. Keep an open mind (and a closed mouth so those gnats do not fill it!). Enjoy the jungle.

    Ms. Howison
