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Costa Rica 2010 Photos

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Assembly interview with Chico

Cherie, 17

Here are some interesting things that we as a group got from our first interview at the Assembly.

One of the first things that "Chicho" said about the political process was pretty interesting. He mentioned that it really wasn't about party vs. party, but it was more about circumstance vs. circumstance. By that, I think he meant that it's really not about a difference of opinions between parties, because each person within the party is likely to have their own ideas, but its really dependent on the cirumstance. This leads into one of his biggest person delemias because sometimes he doesn't always agree with the idea is party is representing, but it's what they have to do, so he has so go along with it. That of course can lead into another personal delemia of his, which is political corruption. Another interesthing he said about the politcal process was in relation to the involvement of religion. He mentioned that it has a major role in the politics in Costa Rica, to the point that it's even mentioned that they're a an almost all Catholic region in their constitution. Despite that, he said that everyone thinks that it should remain absent from it, but everyone is leaves it, just to avoid controversy.
Another idea Chico had was on happiness. Like many people, he believes that wealth isn't the greatest factor when it comes to getting happiness. Instead, it should come from being healthy and having longevity. This is interesting, because Costa Rica has a lot of poor neighborhoods and they have a very high life long expectancy. However, I feel like it is kind of disproved in some parts of this country. When we visited La Carpio in the first few days of our trip, we noticed that even though these people had practically nothing, they seemed to be so happy. This would fit his definition, except that the people of La Crapio have a lower life expectancy and theyre health conditions are slightly poor. This was just interesting to see that his idea fit true in most of Costa Rica, but there are still places where you can achieve happiness without the things that he mentioned.
One of the last things that Chico discussed with us was his opinion on power. I asked, "What is your personal view of power? What makes a person or country powerful," and he gave us a really interesting answer. He said that power is something that is self determined and that a country is powerful when they are independent. However, he says that would only work well with smaller structures because the bigger the structure, the harder it will be for them to change into something that is going to work well. This was interesting because with his definiton, it seemed that he was directly saying that Costa Rica was a powerful country, despite the fact that they don't seem like it at times.

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