Self Development Through Cultural Exploration, Service Learning & Environmental Study

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Costa Rica 2010 Photos

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thoroughly Impressed

Mr. Moreland, Science Teacher

Thinking back on the experience in both San Jose and Yorkin, I was thoroughly impressed by our students. When asked, they stepped up and worked hard, both in La Carpio and in the rainforest. If I asked for a few students to volunteer, there was always a group of students who would lend a hand. The work was back breaking, especially in Yorkin; however, our students met the challenge, working hard up to our last day in the rainforest.

During our interview with the Bri Bri community, I had many questions to ask our interviewee. However, I let the students decide upon which questions to ask, instead of interrupting and asking my questions. At the end of the interview, all of the deep questions I wanted to ask were asked by the students. The students had similar questions and curiosities about the Yorkin people to me, and they were not afraid to ask them. I don't think they would have done this at the beginning of the trip.

I believe that the experiences and the lessons they have learned about life, family, and the environment will stay with these students for a very long time.


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