Self Development Through Cultural Exploration, Service Learning & Environmental Study

Join the Expedition!

Costa Rica 2010 Photos

Sunday, April 4, 2010


The first difference I noticed when getting out of the airport was the temperature. Although it wasn't as hot as I thought it would be. Maybe it was a lucky day without much humidity and very high temperature. I certainly hope it stays like this.

The first day was very mild and not too busy. However, we did go through some issues at the airport with tickets and baggage. After all this, we ended going to a small institution that one of Matt's friend has developed and that begins in May. The institution seems interesting for those who are really into studying abroad and committing themselves to doing internships in foreign countries. Tomorrow will be our first work day. I am looking forward to giving my best abilities towards this and staying bonded with the group.


  1. Did you have fun working; what type of work did you do. Who is Matt? Just curious.

    -Jordan (City High Class of 2013)

  2. Arturo!

    It's devaughn and emilio...

    You sound like a news reporter! lol

    Really hope you guys enjoy every moment!
