Self Development Through Cultural Exploration, Service Learning & Environmental Study

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Costa Rica 2010 Photos

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A whole new world!!!

Siena, 17

Thus far Costa Rica has proved itself to be nothing less than gorgeous. Its beautiful and serene. Costa Rica looks like a totally different world when compared to America, even in its populated areas there are many green spaces with plants and trees that seem so other worldly and ethereal. I am totally in love with this place. The atmosphere is so laid back and peaceful. It seems that people walk around without a care in the world. I am so fortunate to have this opportunity. I can tell that the trip is going to only get better, and I can't wait to see new beautiful sights.


  1. hey siena,sounds like you have been bitten by the travel bug.i hope mr.oliver had a change of clothes in his carry on bag(i don't make these things up).easter dinner was really nice and we all drank a toast in your honor.did you feel the earth quake?there was one yesterday in mexico and even people in california felt it.hope today is a great day for all of,mom

  2. I love Costa Rica, too! I was lucky enough to spend a week there a few years ago. It is a most beautiful place in many ways. Enjoy the experience!
